Sep. 7, 2021

New partnership with Green for Growth Fund and BUILD_ME project

As of September 2021, the Green for Growth Fund (GGF) and the BUILD_ME project are teaming up to accelerate the uptake of energy efficiency in new building constructions in Egypt. GGF will use BUILD_ME’s Building Energy Performance (BEP) Tool, developed by Guidehouse, to assess the energy performance and eligibility of new building projects. The BEP Tool determines primary and final energy consumption, as well as GHG savings of efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy. This enables GGF to assess the eligibility for financing of new building constructions that meet the required savings threshold against the baseline.

GGF is confident that with the BEP Tool’s transparency regarding calculations and assumptions, the tool can serve as a robust and localized tool to assess the uptake of climate-friendly buildings for funding. As part of the partnership, Guidehouse will train Green Consultants hired by the GGF in performing an advanced assessment with BEP Tool for building projects in order to support the fund’s partner institutions in assessing financing requests.

The GGF is an impact investment fund that mitigates climate change and promotes sustainable economic growth, primarily by investing in measures that reduce energy consumption, resource use and CO2 emissions. The fund is a public-private partnership that leverages risk-capital provided by public institutions with additional private capital to substantially increase investment volumes to regions and sectors that do not normally attract such flows. The GGF operates in 19 markets across Southeast Europe, including Turkey, the European Eastern Neighbourhood Region, and the Middle East and North Africa. The GGF has eight partner institutions in Egypt, including National Bank of Egypt, Alexbank, Banque du Caire, and Export Development Bank.

For more information about its background and the data used in the BEP Tool or to explore the Tool, click here.

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